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All Apppointments will be scheduled through Torrone.

Domestic Violence

RCW 10.99 – Domestic Violence 

The term “domestic violence” generally means any felony or misdemeanor crimes committed by a current or former spouse or intimate partner with an alleged victim, or by a person with whom the alleged victim shares a child in common, or by a person who is cohabitating with or has cohabitated with the alleged victim as a spouse or intimate partner.

Domestic violence crimes generally involve assault, burglary, malicious mischief, kidnapping, criminal trespass, reckless endangerment, harassment, and unlawful imprisonment.

In Washington, a domestic violence charge usually begins with a arrest. Law enforcement officers are required to make an arrest if they’ve been called and there is any form of physical altercation.

Don’t let one moment destroy your life. Jordan will walk you through the next steps and help you get your life back on track.

How Does Washington State Define Domestic Violence?

The term “domestic violence” is generally a tag that is placed on certain crimes, whether it be a felony or misdemeanor crimes. The criteria is usually defined by a current or former spouse or intimate partner with an alleged victim, or by a person with whom the alleged victim shares a child in common, or by a person who is cohabitating with or has cohabitated with the alleged victim as a spouse or intimate partner. In Washington, a domestic violence charge usually begins with an arrest. Washington law requires law enforcement officers to make an arrest if they’ve been called and there is any form of physical altercation. Read More

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